The Chef Jeff Project premiered on FOOD on October 12, 2008. The series follows a chef, a former prison inmate turned successful executive chef, as he attempts to transform the lives of six struggling young adults through the power of food. Chef Jeff takes the lessons learned from his inspiring journey and works to connect with six troubled young adults who have gone down similar paths and now have a strong desire to improve their lives. Nicknamed, "The Crew," their task at hand is to work under Chef Jeff's watchful eye at his new LA-based catering company, Posh Urban Cuisine. Along the way, the crew is given necessary skills to remake themselves and succeed, including appearance, attitude, respect, motivation and behavior. As an added incentive, if each of the crew members makes it though the project, then they will have the opportunity to receive scholarships from the International Culinary Schools at The Art Institutes to help them continue towards a culinary career. From catering assignments with high-profile clients like the cast of General Hospital and the LA Dodgers, to personal meals with Jeff's family, the crew will get a new look at life and realize they have the tools to thrive despite the odds.